Bath's accessories

Bath's accessories

SKU: 614.1035.21
Brand: N/A

Silicone Oil M350 -65°C + 200°C
It is specific for thermostatic baths. 

SKU: 614.1035.23
Brand: N/A

Silicone Oil M350 -65°C + 200°C.

It is specific for thermostatic baths.

SKU: 614.1035.25
Brand: N/A

Silicone Oil M350 -65°C + 200°C.

It is specific for thermostatic baths.

SKU: 610.0000.40
Brand: N/A

Liquid solution for cleaning the steel. Pack of 400 g

SKU: 612.1052.31
Brand: N/A

Modified to reach 80°C


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